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Portugal, Alcochete, Public High School

Public high school, Alcochete, Portugal 
Fields of application
Roof waterproofing with mechanically fastened membranes
Roof waterproofing with bonded membranes
5000 m² roof of high school in Alcochete, Portugal done with KÖSTER TPO membranes applied using mechanical fastening system over concrete slab. KÖSTER accessories and details applied where needed.  
Product applied
KÖSTER Contact Adhesive
KÖSTER External Corner light grey 90 degrees
KÖSTER Internal Corner light grey 90 degrees
KÖSTER Pipe Flashing 20/300 light grey
KÖSTER Pipe Flashing 8/180 light grey
KÖSTER PUR Membrane Adhesive
KÖSTER Roof Vent with Cap NW 100
KÖSTER TPO Metal Composite Sheet light grey
KÖSTER Water Spout DN 100
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Select reference:
Portugal, Braga, Garibaldi Apartment Building
Portugal, Pombal, Private Villa
Portugal, Guimarães, Pingo Doce, Water Tank
United Kingdom, Scotland, Perth, Retail Unit
Portugal, Braga, Private House
Philippines, Makati City, Residential house
Philippines, Manila, Roof Deck of the W building
Philippines, Manila, Fort Palm Springs condominium BGC roof decks
Angola, Uige Provence, Water treatment facility
Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia, Asbestos Apartment Building roof rehabilitation
Portugal, Porto, Private House
Portugal, Lisbon, Industrial Warehouse
Portugal, Oeiras, Pingo Doce
Portugal, Évora, Pingo Doce
Portugal, Aveiro, Pingo Doce
United Kingdom, London, Balcony Refurbishment
Bulgaria, Petrich, Supermarket BILLA
United Kingdom, Devon, House Extension
Israel, Herzliya, Weil Center
Bulgaria, Dobrich, Carpetmax Flooring and Carpet Store
Portugal, Lisbon, Mediapro
Slovenia, Kranj, flat roof on Kolodvor office building
Portugal, Santo Tirso, Pingo Doce Supermarket
Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia, Toyota Dealership
Portugal, Monção, Pingo Doce Supermarket
Portugal, Cascais, BMW Dealership
Bulgaria, Dobrich, TECHMART Shop
Netherlands, Delft, IKEA
Bulgaria, Sofia, LC Waikiki store
Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Professional High School of Tourism “Asen Zlatarov”
Bulgaria, Pleven, CARPETMAX – Flooring and Carpet Store
Bulgaria, Sofia, MÖMAX – Furniture Store
Bulgaria, Pavel Banya, KNYAZ PAVEL Hotel
Bulgaria, Peshtera, Production Plant of BIOVET
Portugal, Industrial Warehouse, Roof Waterproofing with KÖSTER TPO Membranes
Panama, Gorgona, Private flat building
Portugal, Lisbon, Oeiras, Pingo Doce Supermarket
Portugal, Lisbon, Public Highschool
Panama, Costa Del Este, Food Court's roof of a business Park
Bulgaria, Sofia, The BLOCKS Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital
Bulgaria, Sofia, Film Studios "NU BOYANA"
Portugal, Barcelos, Pingo Doce
Portugal, Braga, House Building
Netherlands, Eemshaven, Eemshaven power plant: New Energy House Visitor Centre
Netherlands, Vlissingen-Buitenhaven, Örsted Wind Farm Borssele
Portugal, Alcochete, Public High School
Portugal, Braga, Obra Rua das Oliveiras
Portugal, Cascais, CEA - Centro Empresarial da Abóboda
Portugal, Porto, ISAG – European Business School
Bulgaria, Sofia, Fantastico Supermarket
Portugal, Guimarães, Confeções Degori
Portugal, Alenquer, Sacopor-Cimpor
Slovenia, Škofja Loka, Hotel Lonca
Finland, Pieksämäki, Pieksämäki station tunnel
Finland, Pieksämäki, Pieksämäki station tunnel
Slovenia, Torovo, Waterproofing of a private pool
Sweden, Lindesberg, Nammo
United Kingdom, London, Kensington, Flat Roof Waterproofing
Deutschland, Gifhorn, REAL Markt, Flachdachabdichtung mit TPO
Portugal, Santo Tirso, Pingo Doce Supermarkt
Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia, Toyota Händler
Portugal, Monção, Pingo Doce Supermarkt
Portugal, Cascais, BMW Händler
Deutschland, Köln, Carlswerk / Bauteil "Depot"
Deutschland, Gernsheim am Rhein, Schwimmteich eines privaten Bauherrn
Deutschland, Köln, Neubau Bürogebäude Coeur Cologne, Dachabdichtung mit TPO-Dachbahnen
Deutschland, Duisburg-Baerl, Mehrfamilienhaus, Flachdachabdichtung
Deutschland, Fürstenfeldbruck, EDEKA
Deutschland, Bad Oldesloe, Privathaus
Estado de México, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Capilla de Hotel Resort Garza Blanca
Polska, Opole, hydroizolacja dachu płaskiego
Polska, Zakopane budynek hotelowy
Polska, Zator, Energylandia
Portugal, Aveiro, Pingo Doce
Slovenija, Inpos Celje, Izdelava ravne strehe s KÖSTER TPO
Slovenija, Škofja Loka, Hotel Lonca
Slovenija, Torovo, Tesnjenje privatnega bazena

